
Swing-N-Slide's Safety Promise

What Does Tested Safe Mean?

Per standards set forth by ASTM International, we put every product we sell through extensive examination. This includes weight load and functional cycles to spatial proximity and chemical makeup testing. We follow a rigid schedule of multiple rounds of testing for each product. We make certain that nothing gets shipped until we’ve put it though stress testing beyond what it will face in backyard use.

How Do We Ensure All ASTM Standards Are Met?

-Suppliers are required to laboratory test all products to meet legal requirements and stringent Swing-n-Slide safety standards.


-Prior to accepting products from suppliers, we require additional testing and certification that all products meet Swing-n-Slide requirements.


-We inspect every shipment we receive, completing dimensional checks and weight testing on all products.


-We test to ASTM requirements in-house for weight bearing items – swings, trapeze, assist handles, slides.


-We also meet the Consumer Product Safety Commissions residential playset requirements.


-We are a voting, participating member of ASTM International for Residential Play Equipment.


-We thoroughly inspect and weight test every play structure we design and sell to meet or exceed ASTM standards

Backyard Play Area Safety Checklist

As parents we encourage our kids to get out as much as possible, but one concern is where our kids play. How safe is the local playground, really? Instead of running detailed safety checks on the local municipal facilities every time your kids want to play, many parents are choosing to create their own play areas at home. Following are tips on how you can make certain your backyard playground is a safe place to play.


- Swing set supports are properly anchored
- Swings are set at least 8 inches apart
- The area is free of roots, stumps and rocks
- There are no protruding bolts, rusted sections or equipment with loose or broken parts
- Moving equipment has no potential pinch points
- Kids always have adult supervision
- When creating your own playground at home, it’s important to take extra care in setting up a fun and safe play environment.