
Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

At Swing-N-Slide we deeply respect the privacy of our visitors and subscribers, and are fully committed to protecting customer privacy on this site.


This web site uses electronic and procedural safeguard to protect our users' information. For example, credit card information is sent via a secure connection using industry-standard SSL encryption to protect data during transmissions.

Your Personal Information

Swing-N-Slide, the owner of the information collected on this site, will not sell or rent this information. We will not share it in ways other than what is disclosed in this statement without your consent.

Cookies and IP Addresses

This site automatically receives information on our servers from your browser, including your IP address, this site's cookie information, and the page you request. These help us identify you, keep track of your shopping cart, and personalize the site for your return visits. If your browser is set to reject cookies we will not be able to recognize your cart, your account, or provide any sort of customized experience.

External Links

This site contains links to websites that are not part of the Swing-N-Slide family, and Swing-N-Slide is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of these sites.

Address and Contact Information

We collect the contact information you provide to us so that you can order products from our site. Information collected may include your name, address, email address, phone number and financial information. Information gathered is used to customize the content you see, to complete orders and carry out your requests for products and services and to contact you for billing or other related matters pertaining to any orders you may place.

Business Relationship with Our Customers

Once you've ordered from Swing-N-Slide, we enter into a business relationship which may require direct communication about your order or other matters. We respect this relationship, and will only contact you for promotions not related to your order(s) when you give us permission (opt in) to do so. Your permission can be revoked at any time if you choose to Opt Out. The demographic and profile data collected is used to tailor your experiences at our site, to offer content that we think you might be interested in, and to display the content according to your preferences. Customer information is a confidentially protected asset of Swing-N-Slide.

Email & Opting Out

Users can "opt-out" of having their information used for purposes not directly related to processing an order with our site. In accordance with the laws of CANSPAM, your request will be processed within 10 business days.

Changing Your Account Information

You can edit your Account Information at any time. New categories of marketing communications may be added from time to time. Users can opt out of receiving future marketing communications from us at any time or they can unsubscribe by following instructions in the messages they receive.