The Magical Swing for Two! This outstanding Mega Rider Playset Glider Swing enchants your kiddos and promotes physicality, all while encouraging the youngsters to collaborate, communicate, and play together. In this handy kit, you get 1 awesome Mega Rider Glider, proudly made right here in the USA. A Glider bracket is recommended for a full range of movement. This glider includes hardware to construct your own 4-point glider bracket with a 2x4 (lumber not included). We also give you fully-illustrated instructions that make attaching this swing easy, and even better, this design is crafted as a compatible addition for almost any swing set. Your new swing has a 200 lb. weight limit, so your kiddos will have a safe, secure, and happy experience in the great outdoors. Additional items needed for bracket assembly (1) 4 ft. 2 x 4 and (16) 10D galvanized nails.